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  • Shyam Lal College (Evening)



    College has every reason to feel proud that its Discipline cum Anti-Ragging committee under Convenership of Dr. Amrendra Kumar Singh has been working effectively and meticulously throughout the year. As a result, there has never been any report of indiscipline in the college during academic session 2020-21.

    Code of Conduct for student
    Students are expected to maintain a high standard of discipline and shall endeavour to promote the honour of the college and to inculcate healthy fellow feelings.
    1. Student against whom disciplinary action has been taken may not be granted re-admission. Such a student will be liable to forfeit any prizes won or office held if so decided by the College Discipline Committee.
    2. Student against whom disciplinary action has been taken will not be allowed to contest elections also.
    3. Student shall refrain from
      1. Misbehaviour towards members of the staff (teaching and administrative) and fellow students;
      2. Smoking, drinking, gambling and drug-taking in any form;
      3. Eve-teasing;
      4. Obstructing passage in the verandah;
      5. Causing damage to college building, furniture, fixtures, garden, canteen crockery, or to any other property;
      6. Use of Mobile Phone in the class rooms;
      7. Associating with outsiders to create indiscipline in any form in the college. (No outsider will be allowed in the college without any expressed purpose and all visitors will have to make entry in the Visitors Register).
      8. Unauthorized entry in the college building on holidays;
      9. Loitering in corridors and making noise outside and inside the class rooms.

    4. For any of the above offences students are liable to punishment which may amount to fine, suspension or even expulsion from the college.
    5. Students are expected to be regular in the classes.
    6. Students must keep the college neat and clean.
    7. Students must maintain perfect silence in the Library and obey standing orders. They are expected to utilize the facilities properly
    8. Students may participate in their favourite games or sports obeying standing rules and regulations framed by the college
    9. Students must always carry the Identity Card with them.
    10. Students must see the General Notice Board, the Sports Notice Board and the Library Notice Board daily for obtaining up-to-date information of College Notices
    11. Students are expected not to invite any guest during the teaching hours in the college.
    12. Suggestions from students are always welcome and will be given proper attention.

    College Is A Smoke Free Zone !!
    Any student found smoking inside the premises of the college is liable to be punished as per College Rules.

    Discipline in the college is accorded top priority. Indiscipline is punishable as per College Rules.
    • The Discipline Committee is empowered to deal with cases of indiscipline
    • The Principal of the College is the final authority to take action against any breach of discipline.
    Complaints against Sexual Harassment
    Any kind of sexual harassment of women is forbidden. Girls are free to contact Dr. Renu Rani Gupta, Department of Mathematics for any such complaints

    Anti-Ragging Rules
    1. ZERO TOLERANCE FOR RAGGING (NOT EVEN FOR FUN) : Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited within the premises of the college and any part of the Delhi University system as well as public transport.
    2. Any individual or collective act or practice of ragging constitutes gross indiscipline and shall be dealt with under the Ordinance XV-B & C.
    3. Ragging for the purpose of this, ordinarily means any act, conduct or practice by which the dominant power or status of senior student is brought to bear on students freshly enrolled or students who are in any way considered junior or inferior by other students and includes individual or collective acts or practices which
      1. Involve physical assault or threat or use of physical force,
      2. Violate the status, dignity and honour of students,
      3. Violate the status, dignity and honour of students belonging to Scheduled Castes and Tribes,
      4. Expose students to ridicule and contempt and affect their self esteem,
      5. Entail verbal abuse and aggression, indecent gestures and obscene behavior
    4. In case any student, who has obtained the degree of Delhi University, is found under this Ordinance committing an act or practice of ragging, he/she may be subjected under Statute 15 to appropriate action for the withdrawal of degree conferred by the University.
    5. For the purpose of this Ordinance, abetment of ragging will also amount to ragging.
    Ragging Related Complaints
    Any student aggrieved in this matter may fearlessly approach Mr. Arun Kumar Attree, Convener of the Discipline Committee or any staff member of the college for speedy disciplinary action.
    Anyone found guilty of ragging may be subject to any one or more of the following punishments:
    • Rustication from the college
    • Suspension from the college or classes for a limited period or Fine with a public apology
    • Withholding scholarships and other benefits
    • Debarring from representation in college events
    • Withholding results
    • Handing over case to the Police, if need be.
    NOTE: It is mandatory as per the Hon. Supreme Court & UGC/AICTE Regulations that all students fill in an Anti Ragging Affidavit, each year. To make the process easy MHRD has developed an ON LINE Facility.

    Affidavits can be filled ONLINE at:
    1. College Rules and Regulation
      1. When a student seeks admission to the college, it is assumed by the college that the student has an earnest purpose and he/she is expected to aim at the highest achievement in every sphere and to conduct himself/ herself in a responsible and dignified manner wherever he/she may be.
      2. By joining the college, the student accepts all its rules and regulations.
      3. He/She also commits herself to participating in intra and inter college programmes.
    2. Academic Association
      1. Each academic department organises in its own discipline an association of teachers and students.
      2. Every student becomes a member of one academic association and takes an active part in the seminars, symposia, debates, lectures etc., arranged by the association.
    3. Notice Boards
      The college notice boards are used to convey official and other information to students. Once a notice has appeared on the notice board, ignorance of it can not be pleaded as justification for non-observance.
    4. Identity Card
      1. The Identity Card establishes the student’s identity both within and outside the college. The students may be called upon to produce their Identity Card at any time by any of the college staff. Students without their Identity card are liable to be sent home.
    5. Certificates, Testimonials, Transcripts
      1. Character certificates and testimonials will be issued as per the Performa in use by the college.
      2. All students are advised to collect their original certificates submitted at the time of admission, when instructed or at the end of the final year, failing which the college would not be responsible for them.
    6. Student Travel Concession
      1. Application forms for obtaining concession by railway are available at the general office.
      2. An application should contain the following information: –
        1. Name of the Student
        2. Class in which the student is studying
        3. Age of the student
        4. Destination , i.e., town to which the student is traveling.
    7. National Service Activities
      1. The college offers its students opportunities for personality development and enrichment by means of community and social service in any one of the following programmes. NCC National Cadet Corps
    NSS National Service Scheme
    For more details refer to the concerned Convener.

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