• Schedule of Interview for the Post of Principal (pertaining to advertisement No.SLC(Eve.)/Appl-Principal/2024/532 dated 17.01.2024) - Shyam Lal College (Evening) | Shortlisted Candidates for Interview for the post of Principal (pertaining to advertisement No.SLC(Eve.)/Appl-Principal/2024/532 dated 17.01.2024) | Screening Notice for the post of Principal (pertaining to advertisement No.SLC(Eve.)/Appl-Principal/2024/532 dated 17.01.2024) | Screening Outcome for the Post of Assistant Professor in Department of History | Selected Candidates for the post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science | Advt.-Principal | PROCEDURE FOR APPOINTMENT OF PRINCIPAL | QUALIFICATION FOR THE POST OF PRINCIPAL | GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS | GUIDELINES FOR SCREENING OF CANDIDATES | Quotation for Printing and Supply | Union Election-2023 | One-week Workshop on Skill Enhancement Programme for Non-teaching Staff (From 31st January 2023 to 7th February 2023) | A list of College Roll Numbers of the First year students admitted for the Academic Session-2022-23 | Notice for offline classes and physical verification. | Guest Interview notice | Notice regarding E-resource / N-list and Online Library | Principal's Message |Inviting quotation for print and supply of College Admission Prospectus-2022-23 | Annual Fees Extend | Inter-College Migration notification |   Watch Annual Day 2021 |   International Conference 2022 |  XXIII Annual International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Employability & Sustainable Development, JANUARY 8-9, 2022

  • Shyam Lal College (Evening)

    ICT Infrastructure

    Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process.

    ICT provides a means of effective content delivery in education. When used in conjunction with the traditional learning methods, they are quite complementary to each other, resulting in an enriched learning experience. In our college, ICT tools are being used by all the faculty to enhance the teaching- learning process. Furthermore, the college is always interested in new innovations and technologies. Various resources like Computer, Library, Internet etc. are available in the college for the faculty as well as the students.

    Out of the courses taught in the college, ICT components are already included in all the pertinent disciplines. This includes the use of free/commercial software for practical classes and various other activities like assignments, presentations etc. Multimedia teaching aids like LCD projectors are usually used in the classroom. Moreover, LCD Projectors are also used during various seminars and workshops. Also, laptops are available for the faculty and students of the college under specific conditions.

    Additionally, various departments organise seminars, workshops and guest lectures on the upcoming innovations and developments to aid effective teaching-learning by the faculty members and students. The college also has a Seminar Hall which is equipped with multimedia facilities and is used during such lectures and webinars.

    The current pandemic has accelerated the process of adopting newer tools and techniques as mode of teaching has shifted from offline to online. The college has provided G Suite account to all the faculty of the college for the smoother conduction of online classes. Moreover, all the faculties of the college have also been provided Microsoft Teams account so as to ease task of conducting online classes with large number of students.

    Revamping infrastructure is an ongoing process. Furthermore, to report during this academic year, the following infrastructure facilities are added:

    Computer Lab:
    • Old Computer Lab. was upgraded and is now equipped with 50 Laptops and 17 Desktops with wi-fi connectivity.
    • Sanitizing machines were installed at different requisite places at the College campus ensuring safety of one and all from Covid-19 pandemic.
    • Number of classrooms with LCD facilities 18+3=21
    • Number of classrooms with Wi-Fi/LAN facilities 50
    • Number of smart classrooms NIL
    • Number of classrooms with LMS facilities NIL
    • Number of Seminar Hall with ICT Facilities – 01

    Computer Center & labs available

    Computer Lab I/Center

    Computer Lab II

    Computer Lab III

    Faculty compartments

    6 computers

    1 Printers

    Lab Staff compartment

    2 computers


    DVD Writer

    External Hard Disk

    Network Switches

    Computer Lab I

    More than 57 computer available



    Computer Lab II

    More than 20 computer available


    Printer 02

    Computer Lab III

    More than 17 computer available

    More than HP Laptop 36


    Principal Office

    1 Computer

    1 LCD

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