ICT Infrastructure

Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process.
ICT provides a means of effective content delivery in education. When used in conjunction with the traditional learning methods, they are quite complementary to each other, resulting in an enriched learning experience. In our college, ICT tools are being used by all the faculty to enhance the teaching- learning process. Furthermore, the college is always interested in new innovations and technologies. Various resources like Computer, Library, Internet etc. are available in the college for the faculty as well as the students.

Out of the courses taught in the college, ICT components are already included in all the pertinent disciplines. This includes the use of free/commercial software for practical classes and various other activities like assignments, presentations etc. Multimedia teaching aids like LCD projectors are usually used in the classroom. Moreover, LCD Projectors are also used during various seminars and workshops. Also, laptops are available for the faculty and students of the college under specific conditions.

Additionally, various departments organise seminars, workshops and guest lectures on the upcoming innovations and developments to aid effective teaching-learning by the faculty members and students. The college also has a Seminar Hall which is equipped with multimedia facilities and is used during such lectures and webinars.