Department Of Mathematics
Mathematics plays a vital role in all aspects of life, whether in everyday matters such as time tracking, driving, cooking, or jobs such as accounting, finance, banking, engineering, and software. These functions require a strong mathematical background, and scientific experiments by scientists need mathematical techniques. They are a language to describe scientists’ work and achievements. As for mathematical inventions, they are numerous throughout the ages. Some of them were tangible, such as counting and measuring devices. Some of them are not as tangible as methods of thinking and solving.
Our department intends to provide superior quality skills to undergraduate students in the field of mathematics. Established in 1969, the department continuously strives to instil in the students strong analytical and computational techniques which prepares them for real-world roles in the area of mathematics. We equip our students with the skills required for the ever-changing global environment. We focus on the holistic growth of students to produce highly qualified undergraduates who not only master the concepts of mathematics theoretically but can effectively find their applications in the real world.
To enhance these skills, the department offers Mathematics as a Discipline and Skill Enhancement Course to the students of the B. A. Programme. The students are taught various subjects of pure mathematics like abstract algebra, linear algebra, real analysis as well as applied mathematics like calculus, differential equations etc. In addition to this Mathematics is offered as a Generic Elective to students of all Honours Courses as well as the B. A. Programme. Also, we encourage our students to participate in various other academic as well as extra-curricular activities.