Best Practices

1) Comprehensive learning practices for sustainable development of the society

College inculcates the idea of learning beyond the books. The world is diverse and the issues are never-ending. Hence the college not just spreads the knowledge among the students but also invokes students’ involvement towards the social welfare. The students are impelled to learn the development process in the sustainable fashion. A diverse variety of students is promoted in the college. Students across the cities, states, religions, genders, ideologies come together and work for the inclusive development of the society. The college preaches the education beyond the classrooms. These practices inculcate the students’ involvement towards the seminars, conferences, webinars, extra curricular activities, environment friendly model of development and also empowering the needy people of this society. The college often organises tree plantation drives in and around the college premises. The energy conservation is the focal point for a sustainable model of development. In the similar direction, the college generates electricity via solar panel installed in the campus.

The college has many departmental societies- Amour (Commerce department Society), InspirITi (Computer science department society), Eco-tree (Economics department society), The English Association (English department society), Srijan (Hindi department society), Sakshya (History Department Society), Prerna (Political science department society). The students also participated in the Learning sessions, events and competitions being organised by skill development cell, NSS, Enactus, Abhivyanjana (art, drama and culture society), DEBSOC (debating society) and Picoholics (photography society) of the college.

2) Promoting virtual presence

The fundamental objective of every academic institution is to disseminate the knowledge and education. The college comprises of hundreds of teachers and thousands of students. It’s a place of learning from each other. The idea of learning should never be restricted to limited resources. Carrying forward this ideology, college has also been promoting the online resources for students, teachers and researchers. Subsequently, the interactions between students and teachers have also been frequently promoted on virtual platforms. Teachers have been sharing e-resources. The office administration has also tried to arrange most of the resources for the students on the portal. The concept of virtual presence has also been in place over and above the conventional mode of interaction within the premises. This also gives us the access to the knowledge from across the globe during the virtual lectures. College has also been promoting the financial transactions through UPI and digital wallets. This online presence of every resource, information, faculty member, student and other staff members has made the quality management and grievance redressal a swifter mechanism altogether. Most of the resources and information can be visited real-time on the college portal. This process has been more time saving, hence proven to be complimenting the conventional process. The online existence has opened the brighter prospects to the students and also has succeeded to keep them connected.