Departmental Activities

Departmental Events

Working towards building a holistic future for the students, the Economics department has been organizing Faculty Development Programmes, interactive discussions, talks, and workshops for teaching staff.<br>

  1. The Department of Economics of Shyam Lal College (Evening), in Collaboration with IQAC, organized a One Day Workshop on ‘Open Data: World Bank Database’ on 27th October 2021.
  2. One-Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) with collaboration with IQAC Shyam Lal College (Eve.) from 4th September to 10th September 2018 on “STATA and Data Analysis”. The FDP provided a platform to learn emerging software techniques and data extractions techniques of modern-day research. And, the beneficiaries were not only our teaching staff but teachers from many other colleges of the University of Delhi.
  3. The Department of Economics of Shyam Lal College (Evening), in Collaboration with IQAC, organized a Day Seminar on ‘Contemporary Issues In Indian Economy’ on 12th August 2017. Over two technical Sessions, 12 papers were presented covering various Important Issues in the Indian Economy in Recent Times. The seminar proved to be the platform for Under Graduate students, Research Scholars and Teachers to exchange experiences, knowledge, queries and insights. It was an effective platform for all the concerned stakeholders to introspect and examine the numerous contemporary challenges and dilemmas facing the Indian Economy

Annual Report of Economics Department 2022-23

The academic year 2022-23 has been a remarkable one for Economics Department, Shyam Lal College (Evening). We successfully organized a wide range of events, competitions, workshops, and seminars both online and offline. These activities provided students with valuable opportunities to enhance their knowledge, showcase their talents, and engage in intellectual discussions.

The various academic events organised by the department are Student’s Parliament and Paper Presentation on the topic “My Dream Indian Economy (2047). Department has also organized many non-academic events, which include fresher’s party, farewell party and treasure hunt. 

We organized many talks and workshops by the renowned dignitaries. Miss Sirat Bhalla from London School of Economics was invited to deliver a lecture on the topic “Quantitative Easing and Inequality”. We collaborated with V.V. Giri National Labor Institute to conduct a One-day Workshop on the topic “Labour Force Data”.

We also collaborated with Department of Economics, Mahila College Khagaria, Munger in organizing an International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Research Methods on “Development Issues & Interdisciplinary Research Methods”.

The Annual Eco fest was organized on March 29, 2023. The events included in it are:

  1. Talk on the topic “Challenge Your Comfort Zone and Build Start-up” by Amar Chaudhary Founder and CEO of BOYO
  2. G-7 Showdown (PPT)
  3. Know it all Quiz
  4. Courtroom wars.

Learning for excellence has been a sterling aspect of the Economics Department, Shyamlal College (Eve.) and it is overwhelming to note that the year 2022-23 has made a steady progress in the same direction.