Department Of English

English has been taught in Shyam Lal College Evening since its inception in 1969. The Department of English is one of the oldest and most reputed departments of the College. Its reputation has steadily enhanced over the years through the hard work of its faculty, which has traditionally combined excellence in research with a dedication to pedagogy. Though, an Under Graduate Department, the diverse specialisation of the faculty provides much-needed guidance and support to enrolled students as well as to its Alumni. Each of the faculty has, besides teaching, numerous research papers to their credit.
ince the college caters to students from diverse backgrounds, the main strength of the department is the bilingual (in some cases multi-lingual) competence of the members of the faculty. The department organises extra-curricular activities, in addition to lectures and interactive sessions with eminent national and international scholars and writers and has been able to nurture the talents of a large number of students.
One of the major responsibilities of the department is to enhance the General English of the students and to make them fairly confident of using the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing which restricts their ability to be recruited to suitable jobs. The importance of the English language as a subject has increased over the years as it is a global language and students from all the Departments get to study English subjects in their undergraduate classes. Our Department plays a major role in shaping up young minds by engaging them in various activities in online as well as offline mode. Department’s dedicated staff through their hard work and commitment hone the critical skills of the students through the texts prescribed and also try to make it relevant for them to relate it with their day to day life. Apart from textual knowledge various academic activities are also undertaken to make classroom teaching engaging as well as interesting. These efforts are the reason why students from all over the country while taking admission in the college especially ask for English subject as one of their options.
The year 2020 brought challenges in our lives due to pandemics and our department quickly adapted itself from in-room class teaching to online mode. Department, under the guidance of the University and the college, is continuously evolving innovative teaching practices so that students can be more comfortable with the transition from offline teaching to the online one. Providing e-resources, organising online presentations, screenings, webinars, online talks, various written exercises in online mode etc has become an everyday affair so that students can accommodate this sudden change as new normal. We have given a lot of importance to increasing the interest of students by encouraging and counseling them to continue their participation in online education.